Sujata Massey’s series of detective novels set in 1920s India starts off with an intriguing glimpse into the lives of Muslim pardanashin, women who live in seclusion. The three widows…
Re Jane
January 20, 2023A refreshing revision of Jane Eyre with an absolutely savage take on academic feminism. OUCH. I’m not going to lie: it took me two distinct tries to get through this…
Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women That a Movement Forgot
May 19, 2020Absolutely eye-opening indictment of the ways that mainstream white feminism has failed women of color, their children, and larger communities. Anyone who considers themself a feminist should read this.
April 4, 2020Sometimes Lindy West is very funny, most of the time she’s a brilliant writer and thinker. Sometimes, like all memoirists, she’s a bit navel-gazey. I think she’s a super brave…
The Woman Who Did
July 13, 2018Probably the most depressing thing I’ve read all year. This 1895 novella by Grant Allen features a fiercely principled woman, Herminia Barton, who refuses to marry (before and after she…
August 10, 2017Last year, I sent a good friend a copy of Bitch Planet vol. 1 because I wanted to share the awesome. This year she returned the favor by sending me the first volume…