Like many well-meaning and awkward white people who want to be better allies in anti-racism, several of my colleagues and I have formed a reading group to do some self-educating.…
Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women That a Movement Forgot
May 19, 2020Absolutely eye-opening indictment of the ways that mainstream white feminism has failed women of color, their children, and larger communities. Anyone who considers themself a feminist should read this.
April 4, 2020Sometimes Lindy West is very funny, most of the time she’s a brilliant writer and thinker. Sometimes, like all memoirists, she’s a bit navel-gazey. I think she’s a super brave…
Bad Mother
August 3, 2017With this memoir-y collection of essays, published in 2009, Waldman beat Roxane Gay to the titular idea of ideological/institutional failure by five years. And Bad Mother and Bad Feminist do…